Uitwerking vraag 1
- 50Hz=> 50 keer per seconde, dus 50*60 keer per minuut, dus pp = 3000/375 = 8 poolparen
- S= 2500, dus P=2500/0.9, ω=2 π * 375/60 = 39.25 rad/s, dus koppel is P/ω=57.3
- 0 watt
- spanning, freq en fase
- max spanning generator + max spanning net, dus 230rms + 230rms of 326+326 top-top als de spanningenn 180 uit fase zijn.
- dempen van oscillaties en helpen bij aanlopen
Uitwerking tentamen ENTEC2 vraag2
antwoord vraag 2a = P=3*(230*230/Xd)sin(lasthoek)=3*(230*230/26.45)*1=6000
Oefeningen die we klassikaal gedaan hebben:
Formuleblad Entec2

Synchronous machine
Let op!
In het rekenvoorbeeld wordt de lasthoek via P en S bepaald, dat kan alleen als je Xd=1 p.u. hebt, dus het uitgerekende getal. In alle andere gevallen zul je echt de formule P=3(Up*Us/Xd)*sin(lasthoek) moeten nemen.
Uitwerking tentamen Elent2
Oefeningen die we klassikaal gedaan hebben:
Formuleblad Elent2
In case of a three-phase load, enter only one-third of the load in the calculation, as we are calculating current and compensation of one phase only
If the compensation capacitors are in wye, use the Line-Neutral voltage for the calculation of the capacitor values
If the compensation capacitors are in delta, use the Line-Line voltage for the calculation of the capacitor values

Cos(ϕ) compensation of single phase inductive load
Cos(ϕ) compensation of inductive load with 100m cable
Cos(ϕ) compensation of 3-phase 21kW inductive load with 25 meter cable
Transformer, no-load and short circuit parameter determination
Equivalent model of the transformer
Winding ratio = n
Uprimary / Usecondary
Equivalent model of the transformer where the winding ration is omitted, the secondary Ls and Rs are transformed with n2 to the primary side
The resistor or inductor on the secondary side are now n2 times larger. This circuit is used to determine the parameters of the transformer in the open-circuit and in the short-circuit test.
Equivalent model of the transformerfor the no-load measurement: Open Circuit [oc]
Use the nominal primairy voltage during measurement and measure Uocprimary[V]=Unom, Iocprimary[A] and Pocprimary[Watt]
Measure the magnetizing current and iron loss
Equivalent model of the transformerfor the Short-circuit measurement: Short Circuit [sc]
Use the nominal primary current during measurement and measure Uscsecondary[V], Iscsecondary[A]=Inom and Pscsecondary[Watt]
Measure the leakage inductance and winding resistance. For simplicity the winding resistance and leakage inductance of the primary and secondary side are considered equal.
A resistor or inductor on the secondary side is measured at the primary side n2 times larger.
Rcu=Rp + n2 * Rs
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Tip: Removal of the Toolbar in adobe DC reader
Okay, seems I've stumbled upon an ugly workaround but it works for me. Works with Windows 7 and W10.
Go to the install directory, i.e." C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat Reader DC\Reader\AcroApp\ENU".
Create a new subfolder (I used "Disabled").
Move 3 files from the "ENU" folder into the new "Disabled" folder:
- AppCenter_R.aapp
- Home.aapp
- Viewer.aapp
If you see another folder next to the ENU folder, this is a local language folder, for example the folder NLD, do the same as in the ENU folder and enjoy the silence.
Open a PDF and no more Tool Pane! I originally moved just the "Viewer" file but if you clicked on "Home" or "Tools" on the toolbar you couldn't go back to the "Document." Moving all 3 files takes care of that issue. Like a lot of people I don't and won't ever use any of the tools. I just want a reader.